Thursday, 3 March 2016

Working With Anxiety

Hello My Lovelies,

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything.... my life has been pretty hectic and my health came first. I just needed a break from all things social media while I understood my problems and worked with a counsellor to help re train my brain (brain training as I like to call it)

I wanted to write a little something about working with anxiety because coming to work was one of the hardest things I had to do!

When I got diagnosed they instantly referred me for CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and I started the stage 2 pretty much straight away. The tips and tricks my therapist came up with really did start to help me with most everyday tasks and going out with friends. What I really struggled to do was put them steps into practice when I came to work. I mean I couldn't draw out a table in front of my boss and waste time weighing up the pros and cons now could I? So i had to start drawing this table out in my brain and try not to fluster myself as best I could. Sometimes I had to say I needed the loo just to have the 5 minutes to talk myself through it.

The things I struggle with the most at work are:

  • Going upstairs into the larger offices and talking to people
  • Questioning problems
  • Asking for help
  • Saying No to people if I don't have the time to do things.
Now these might not sound like the most scary things in the world, but seen as I have social anxiety I am scared of being disliked, so these can send me into a panic attack.

I have learnt to control my anxiety now at work by following my counsellors tips!

I have a video on youtube to explain my anxiety more I have popped it below for you :) 

If you suffer from anxiety feel free to get in touch with me and I will help you as much as I possibly can. I just hope this video explains everything I have been through :) 

BethanyLouise x

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